Douglas G. Kahn, MD DLFAPA

Dear APA members:

I am writing to you to urge your support for Barton Blinder, MD PhD DLFAPA for the Presidency of the APA.

I have known Dr. Blinder since 1977, personally, as professional colleagues, fellow elected officers of our district branch, in his capacity as an APA Assembly representative for over twenty of those years, and currently as our Area 6 (California) Representative.

I know of no one more devoted, in practice and in principle, to the highest and most worthy goals of our profession and our A.P.A. This, and his broad experience as a clinician (child and adult psychoanalyst and psychiatrist), actively teaching professor of psychiatry, author of numerous scholarly articles and texts, and knowledgeable and well-respected elected officer at the district, state and national levels of organized psychiatry, qualifies him uniquely as a candidate for APA President.

Name recognition alone does not suffice to compel your vote. I urge you to review his election material at


Douglas G. Kahn, MD DLFAPA
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, Irvine
Past President, Orange County Psychiatric Society

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